Temporary School Counselor (Professional School
Counselor) at Eric Solorio Academy for the 2018-2019 academic year (January -
June 2019).
Requirements: Master's degree in school counseling AND
current ISBE Professional Educator License (PEL) with a School Counseling
In order to reach all students, the school counselor will
design, conduct, and co-teach learning activities in classroom, large group,
and/or school wide settings, based on the academic, career, postsecondary and
social/emotional needs of the students so as to facilitate the infusion of
school counseling as an integral component of the total education curricula.
Activities to support this objective may include: classroom guidance; high
school/college/career fairs; high school/college/career tours; grade-level or
school-wide team building activities.
Please contact Gabriela Rulka at grulka@cps.edu for more information.