Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Support group for BIPOC mental health workers

 Dear BIPOC Students and Counselors, 

I am reach out to all BIPOC mental health professionals and students. I am starting a support held every other Saturday at 6pm (next session on 10/31). The purpose of this space is to promote community and healing. 

With all the events happening this year, the global pandemic, systemic racism in the forefront, and now this upcoming election, I believe that black mental health professionals are at the crux of trauma and healing. We are expected to do the emotional labor for others, help our clients heal, and support the students. However I wonder, where is our support?

I would love for all BIPOC counselors, counselor educations, and student to attend this safe space. And please pass along this information to others in our community. 

I would like to emphasize that this is a space for us to heal, not to educate others.


The link is: 



Please share this with others who may need this space


Be Well,


Raina Edwards, LMHC