Friday, April 24, 2020


This morning, IL School Counseling Association revealed its 2020 Award Winners.

We are delighted to share with you that one of our current stellar students, Pamela Nehrke, was awarded the 2020 IL School Counselor Association's Graduate Student of the Year!

Additionally, one of our former alumni, Elizabeth Rosenfeld, was named Elementary School Counselor of the Year. She is currently at Chase Elementary in CPS.

And lastly, one of our adjuncts and former alumni, Kim Kopec, was named ISCA School Counselor Educator of the Year.

To view a list of all state nominees and winners, please click HERE
To view announcements for all state winners, please click HERE

Hello Illinois School Counselor Association Members, 

It is with great honor that we announce the 2020 ISCA Nominees and Award Winners. We are so proud of all the hard work of school counselors throughout the state and are so grateful to all that support the work of this important profession. 

Unfortunately, due to present circumstances, our conference has been postponed to November 1-2 in Tinley Park. More information about our fall conference will be coming soon! In the meantime, please check the Illinois School Counselor Association website for important updates!

We will be formally recognizing nominees and winners at the 2020 ISCA Annual Conference during an awards luncheon at our state conference this fall. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR AWARD WINNERS! 

To view a list of all state nominees and winners, please click HERE
To view announcements for all state winners, please click HERE

Once again, we are thrilled to honor the work of school counselors throughout the state and all that support this important profession! We look forward to celebrating with ALL OF YOU at our upcoming conference. 

Follow ISCA on social media as we honor all of the award winners throughout the coming week! 
To keep up with other announcements and updates, follow us on social media!:
Instagram: @ilschoolcounselors
Facebook: Illinois School Counselor Association
Twitter: @myisca

Our  Best,

ISCA Executive Board:
Dr. Matt Liberatore, President
Kirsten Perry, President-Elect
TaRael Kee, President Elect-Elect
Leslie Goines, Past President