Monday, January 14, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions and Important Dates

 Dear Fabulous CSLers,

Welcome back!  We hope you had a healthy, happy and rejuvenating winter break. Perhaps you used your time to relax, to reflect and to refocus. As your CSL faculty, we are proud of the accomplishments of 2018 and are excited about the opportunities to make our program better and stronger in 2019. So, in the spirit of making New Year’s Resolutions, we, your faculty, resolve to:
                                         i.    Hold ourselves and our students to the highest ethical standards
                                       ii.    Find new and innovative ways to infuse diversity and equity issues across our curriculum
                                      iii.    Increase international experiences for our counseling students
                                      iv.    Continually evaluate class offerings for students
                                        v.    Increase our collaborative involvement with the ECC 
                                      vi.    Honor wellness amongst ourselves, our students and our peers
                                     vii.    Advocate for professional development opportunities among faculty and students
                                   viii.    Continue to engage in existing community-based learning while cultivating new opportunities to serve marginalized populations
                                      ix.    Celebrate our students’ successes, including the 2nd ASCA National School Counselor of the Year! (We are so proud of you, Brian Coleman!).

What will you do to elevate your practice, increase your knowledge and serve others? We hope you will take a moment to think about this question and to cheer on your peers as they strive towards reaching their goals. Together we are better. We look forward to another productive quarter. As always, rise up, reach out, shine on.

With warm winter wishes,
Dr. Ockerman, CSL Program Director

Important Upcoming Dates:
·         Friday, January 11, no later than 11:59 p.m. is the last date for students to add a class within the add/drop window.  After this date, students will only be added to classes with very few exceptions (even if they have been attending the class).

·         Friday, January 18 is the last day to drop a class without penalty (no tuition charge and no record of the class on transcripts).  Students who withdraw between January 19 and February 22 will receive a “W” grade and will be responsible for applicable tuition charges. 

·         Friday, February 22 is the last day to withdraw from a class and receive a “W” grade.  After this date, students should receive whatever grade they have earned for the class.
a.    More information can be found here:

Ø  If you are interested in nominating a CSL faculty for the prestigious Excellence in Teaching Award, you can do so by following the below procedure:
o   Nominations should be typed in letter form and signed, detailing reasons why the faculty member should be considered for the Excellence in Teaching Award.
o   Nominations should be submitted to Sarah Magnuson, Executive Assistant, at
o   Nominations are due by January 31st