Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Live Oak Inc. Scholarships

Live Oak, Inc., is awarding $2,500 in Scholarships to Graduate students in any mental health related field. We are offering another $2,500 Grant for anyone involved in Community Organizing or Activism.

I am asking for your help in getting this information out to graduate students who might qualify for this Scholarship, and/or to other administrators at your University that might have access to graduate students who might be interested in this opportunity. 

The details for the scholarship are below, or you can follow, or send this link:https://liveoakchicago.com/what-we-do/professional-development/valuing-difference-scholarship/

The Valuing Difference Awards
Values Guiding the Scholarship and/or Grant

At Live Oak, we strive to recognize the consequences of privilege, oppression, discrimination and stigma, and therefore practice psychotherapy, consultation, and training that affirms the value of difference. In responding to systems of marginalization, people and communities often cope in ways that magnify feelings of shame, low self-esteem, and disconnection. Our intention of affirmative and inclusive approach is based on an understanding of an integrative change process, and therefore provides our clients with opportunities to reduce the disintegrating effects of power and privilege to promote self- actualization and integration. We aspire to emphasize the extent to which growth and connection is enhanced more from our differences than from our similarities.

Master’s Scholarship
($2,500 to be awarded either in full to one person, or in smaller amounts to several people.  Each award will be no less than $500/person)

Eligible Applicants
Students currently enrolled or about to begin graduate programs in any of following disciplines: Social Work, Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, Art Therapy, Dance/Movement Therapy, and Psychology, or a related field.

The intention of this scholarship is to encourage and support new clinicians who are aligned with these values and plan to implement them in their practice.

Community Activism Grant
($2,500 to be awarded either in full to one person, or in smaller amounts to several people.  Each award will be no less than $500/person)

Eligible Applicants
Persons actively engaged in community activism, organizing, advocacy, or support.

The intention of this grant is to encourage and support activists, organizers, advocates, and other support people who are aligned with these values and plan to implement them in their work.

Application Process (for each award)
Applicants will be required to provide the following materials:
  • Resume or outline of relevant experience
    • We welcome links to, or examples of, relevant work
  • Position Statement (no more than three pages, double spaced) that, at a minimum, addresses the following questions:
    • How do the applicant’s goals relate to the values that serve as the framework for this grant/scholarship? Please feel free to draw from personal/professional experiences when explaining this.
    • How will the applicant use the scholarship/grant award in a way that is consistent with the scholarship’s/grant’s values?

Applicants should keep in mind that the review committee will base their decision on how the following 4 Areas are addressed in the proposal:
Area 1) Candidate is actively involved in the work that addresses the Valuing Difference scholarship/grant
Area 2) Candidate can articulate their view of how oppression and stigma impacts their clients/community and has a frame of understanding intersectionality
Area 3) Personal experiences of overcoming stigma or how the scholarship/grant could be a resource to help them do the work / continue the work.
Area 4) Candidate presents an intentional proposal/plan for using the scholarship/grant in a manner that is consistent with values

Deadline for Applications
All materials must be submitted by 11/30/18. They should be submitted electronically to: valuingdifference.scholarship@liveoakchicago.com.

People selected for scholarship/grant award will be notified by 12/15/18.