Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mindfulness Program

Mindfulness for Eating Disorders
alexian brothers behavioral health hospital

Integrating knowledge of health, nutrition, and how food makes you feel.

Mindfulness is in Fashion, 
But How Does it Work? 

The food challenges facing those struggling with an eating disorder are often overwhelming and beyond their control. Mindfulness instills a level of self-awareness that enhances acceptance and improves the ability to make appropriate choices. There is an overall sense of peace and calmness that reduces the arousal state produced by negative thoughts and emotions.
The anxiety that drives the anorectic and bulimic to surrender to food aversions can be offset by ‘gentle eating’ and acquiring the skills to uncouple destructive thoughts. The binge eater can master extracting maximum sensory pleasure that will pacify their cravings and short circuit their compulsive behavior through slow eating and mindfulness techniques. The goal is to retrain and thereby rewire the brain through the acquisition of knowledge and experience. Healthy and appropriate eating is attained by developing a more habituated behavior of remaining within the boundaries of hunger and fullness or “zone of indifference.” One must learn to accept that the urges to eat are a moving target that necessitates the skills of mindfulness to navigate through the daily challenges one encounters. Please join guest speaker, Ralph
Carson, LD, RD, Ph.D., for the enlightening program, Mindfulness is in Fashion, But How Does it Work, on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. Dr. Carson is Executive Director of FitRx, American Addiction Center in Tennessee, and Clinical Nutritional Advisor of Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

November 4th, 2014
9 AM - 12 PM

NIU Conference Center | Hoffman Estates
3.0 CEUS available for this event, and continental breakfast will be served.