Wednesday, August 7, 2013

LGBT Employment Rights 101 - Free Community Workshop

The recent focus by the Supreme Court, state legislatures and the media on same-sex marriage and LGBT rights is great news, but the information may have your head spinning! 
Join us at IntraSpectrum Counseling for an informal workshop on LGBT and Legal Rights covering recent trends, history and statistics, the Supreme Court’s key decisions this summer, federal and state legislation, case law, and government agency information and resources.
We will include a special focus on LGBT issues in the workplace, including harassment and discrimination based on gender, actual or even perceived sexual orientation, disability discrimination rights including accommodations and privacy, transgender protections (and limitations), employment benefits and practical Issues and tips covering dress code, bathrooms, code, policies, negotiating, and communicating/asserting rights.

Lori Goldstein, an employment attorney since 1984, represents employers and employees on a wide range of workplace issues, including discrimination and sexual harassment, employment practice audits, wage-hour issues, worker classification, reductions-in-force, hiring and firing, and severance and employment agreements.  Lori regularly presents and writes on employment topics, and handles claims before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Department of Labor, and other administrative agencies. 

Email for more information