Sunday, January 6, 2013
Welcome to Winter Quarter 2013!
Welcome to the Winter Quarter! And a special welcome to our new students!
This communication will highlight some important information for ALL CSL students, new and returning. Concentration-specific communications are forthcoming.
1. Advising Model: Advising in CSL is done by program faculty and not done through the COE Academic Advising office. Familiarize yourself with our advising model by reading the following previous post on this topic. This updated model includes an electronic form for all students to complete when they have course registration problems, questions about long range career planning, internship, etc. ALL advising concerns and requests should be documented in this form so that we can track your needs and respond to them in the best possible way.
2. CSLNews Communications: We are asking ALL students keep up to date with CSLNews via this blog, Facebook and/or Twitter. These accounts are linked together so you will see consistent information on both. Though you may periodically get time-sensitive emails from CSL, keeping up with students' emails has proved challenging over the years as students transition into and out of the program. By getting CSLNews on the blog, Facebook and/or Twitter, we are putting the responsibility on you as students to make sure you are up to date, PLUS you will get more information more frequently, more efficiently and be able to continue getting CSLNews info as an alum if you so choose. We have added student "content managers" for each concentration so not only will you get info from faculty but you can also get info from peers about events, trainings, etc.. We hope it will also be a place that CSL alums will share information about job opportunities! Start by liking the FB page or following on Twitter TODAY.
3. Student Handbook: As a means of communicating to all students about the various phases and elements of the CSL program, we have compiled the CSL Student Handbook. This handbook is for ALL students and is in an online platform called LiveBinders so that it can be easily updated. You are encouraged to consult it regularly.
Happy Learning! - The CSL Faculty and Staff